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Your local Urban Oven is: Durham, 94 Claypath, DH1 1RG.

Meet the Rabble

Meet the Rabble



As the evil genius who created Urban Oven and everything about it, Sadeck really knows his way around the kitchen.

Believing that a well-crafted pizza is one of the finest dishes on the planet, he uses his passion for flavour to invent amazing taste combos, and his mind is always buzzing with fresh ideas for new dishes.

Sadeck’s focus is the bigger picture though, will the help of his right hand man Nik, he also keeps a close eye on everything that goes on at Urban Oven: checking ingredients for flavour, tweaking the recipes, and sneaking ice-cream from the freezer when Nik isn't looking.

Sadeck portrait illustration


Ahmed is the guy who makes sure every Urban Oven pizza has that unique taste and 'bite'.

He used to enjoy the glamorous life of a professional photographer in Egypt, but eventually the glitzy lifestyle got really boring and he came to Durham in pursuit of the simpler things in life.

Romantic walks by the river, good books, intelligent conversation and keeping fit are the things that inspire him.

Ahmed portrait illustration


Stefan has anger management issues that would make The Hulk blush. He spends a lot of time organising his massive collection of torn pants and ripped-up T-shirts. He does know how to subdue his dark side: by hibernating like a bear.

Although no-one has so far been able to handle his temper or his habit of eating honey out of the jar on the first date, Stefan is often seen around the better local establishments, in search of someone to share his den and mend all those torn shirts.

Fortunately Stefan leaves his dark side at home, and will always take your order with a friendly smile.

Stefan portrait illustration


As our main delivery driver, Mahdi is convinced that Michael Schumacher would have been a lot faster if only he'd trained on food deliveries.

Mahdi loves to eat chicken and donner kebab and drink Fanta. When food goes missing from orders it's usually chicken, donner kebab and cans of Fanta. But as Mahdi says 'This is a complete co-incidence. And besides, who doesn't love chicken, donner and Fanta?'

Mahdi portrait illustration


Nik is Sadeck's right hand man: a pancake-eating Bulgarian who likes to bust a few moves at Klute, and also answers to Boris, Yuri and Vladimir (a lot of our customers think he's Russian).

Before he joined Urban Oven, Nik considered being a pilot and studied to be a lawyer, but eventually chucked in his course to work at Urban Oven. A guy has to follow his dreams.

Nik is definitely a 'details' guy, keeping the kitchen stocked with all the best ingredients, making sure every Urban Oven dish is just right – and trying to stop Sadeck from raiding the freezer.

Nikolay portrait illustration

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